Transferable Skills & Engineering Leadership (TSEL)

The TSEL element of the Stream programme comprises five thematic components:

  • Research Skills at Cranfield University
  • Project delivery at Imperial College
  • Personal Development at Sheffield University
  • Communication skills at the University of Exeter
  • Career development at Newcastle University

with attendance at one course at Cranfield during the induction semester plus one course at each of the other four partner institutions. Specific components and delivery timings are listed here. The TSEL components at Imperial, Sheffield, Exeter and Newcastle will take place between January and May in each year. Attendance on Stream TSEL components and completion of associated assessments are compulsory elements of the programme for EngD students.

Those studying for an EngD attend all five TSEL weeks whereas those studying for a PhD attend the first four TSEL components only.

TSEL dates
  • TSEL II - Cohort VIII - w/c 6th March
  • TSEL III - Cohort VII - w/c 3rd April
  • TSEL IV - Cohort VI - w/c 24th April
  • TSEL V - Cohort V - w/c 6th March
Project Sponsors

Stream's Stream

Stream Research Engineer feed.


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